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Saudi Tadawul Group welcomes any whistleblowing which will guide it to correct mistake and process, to detect violations and to enhance and protects its values. These whistleblowing cases include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Financial and Administrative Corruption, including cases of conflict of interest and obtaining undue gains from the company or from external parties.
  • Violating of accounting practices.
  • Non-Compliance with laws and regulations applicable to the Company.
  • Non-Compliance with the Company’s Policies and Procedures.
  • Violating Environmental, Health and safety Procedures.
  • Improper Conducts or Violating Public order and Moral.
  • Cases of abuse, including physical and verbal harassment.
  • Misuse the Company Properties or Assets.
  • Abuse of Authorities.
  • Money laundering transaction, terrorism funding, trading based on an insider information, and other financial crimes.
  • Criminal crimes.
  • Illegal misuse or leaking of information to unauthorized entities to review.
  • The cover up of any of the above or collusion with the perpetrator.

STG channels provides secure and confidential channels that enable employees and other stakeholders to report the whistleblowing cases described above as follows:

  • Via the following email (WB@tadawul.com.sa).
  • Our Hotline (0112035200).